Financial scammer Marcus E. Beverly - Bev Tech, and BT3

Marcus E. Beverly – PPP Scammer

Marcus Edwin Beverly, noted financial help scammer, has also scammed the federal government via the PPP program. The PPP program designed to help small businesses during the COVID shutdowns in 2020 and 2021 assisted many Americans through significant hardship. Designed to assist small business owners who were likely to see a slow down due to either quarantines or forecasted slowdowns due to fewer people spending money. Marcus Edwin Beverly was recently having borrowed over $7000 from the Federal Government through the PPP system. See below from

Note that Marcus claims on his PPP application that he lives in Chicago and that he is in construction. I suppose that must be because Marcus can’t list “scammer” or “crook” as an occupation.

3 thoughts on “Marcus E. Beverly – PPP Scammer”

  1. VictimOfMarcusTheDevil

    Just found your website. I was defrauded by Marcus for an enormous sum of money. He appears to have police protection as I type this, we’ve counted at least 6 men apparently protecting him and his sons. Do you have any info on the class action lawsuit? Are you a victim yourself? I have information as to his whereabouts and where he’s stashed the stolen goods. Hint : it’s outside the USA. Reply to this (anonymous for now) e-mail and we can chat further.

  2. Who are you? I agree with you 100% that he is a scamming creep! I also know he has been cheating on his wife with Tracy Evans for 4 yrs now! He pays for her business and rent. She always gets very large distribution payments. They are mentally unstable individuals so stay far away from them.

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