A Debt Consolidation Scam

Marcus Beverly Financial Scammer


Financial Scammer

Marcus Beverly is a financial scammer. He preys on people looking for help with their credit or to look for ways to improve their financial situation. He ends up ripping off customers for thousands of dollars and leaves his customers in far worse positions than they were and in even more debt than they were. Marcus makes his scam a family business bringing his brothers as well as his young son to his appointments and using them to help him pose as a family man and a Christian. In reality he is a rip off scammer who looks to take advantage of hard working people that are in a bad spot.

After the 2008 housing crisis and the debt squeeze that followed – banks, counseling services, and other cottage industries began to jump on opportunities to help overextended debtors with paying off their revolving credit. Grand promises were made of quickly paying off large amounts of credit card debt, or reducing the amount of money owed in addition to the monthly debt obligation, and in some cases complete forgiveness of the debt. Within a few years this industry exploded finding millions of needy customers weary from high credit card payments and reduced collateral in their home. Fraudsters and con artists were drawn to the energy as well seeing this as an opportunity to grift off of desperate borrowers and hide behind the blame that was mostly directed at big banks and wall streets. One of the bad actors that has emerged in this industry over the last few years is Marcus Beverly and his companies Bev Tech and BT3 Capital Group. Over the last ten years, Mr. Beverly has conned several desperate borrowers into believing that he will handle their debt and help them to either consolidate, manage, or reduce their debt. He has mastered the art of scamming customers into believing that he has any financial experience or differentiated expertise that he can use to help them. Since his company has been in business, Mr. Beverly has been sued multiple times and has yet to pay toward any of the settlements. Despite Beverly’s terrible record and the easily located Breach of Contract lawsuits against him, he is still lurking on the internet preying on people seeking services to help with their debt. Marcus Edwin Beverly is the worst type of scammer. He preys on vulnerable people looking to catch a break and ultimately puts them in a much worse off position. Desperate borrowers, unfortunately, will put their hopes anywhere to help them out of the bad situation that they are in.

Marcus Edwin Beverly’s history shows no experience in finance. His resume includes experience and education as an electrician from Chicago. He went to Coyne College, a trade school, in Chicago. His LinkedIn also says that he has expertise in IT but he has no education history nor any experience other than what he lists on his LinkedIn. After a stint in the Marines, Marcus sought to make his mark as an entrepreneur. After a number of failed starts, Marcus finally found a way to make money – scamming desperate credit card borrowers. Marcus found the market after the housing crash where millions of cash strapped customers sought any kind of help to free them from the shackles of debt. Marcus had at least the good mind of understanding that there was a market for services designed to help these customers and for a time he had an earnest desire to help. What Marcus lacked was the ability to access any real capital or funding to help nor did he have any experience to speak expertly about helping customers in these situations. After failing to find a customer base willing to take a chance with him, Marcus found the perfect grift. Marcus has learned to speak the language of people who can legitimately help you with capital and consolidation needs and though he doesn’t quite know anything about what he does – he can fake his expertise quite easily.

He created Bev-Tech and BT3 – Capital Management Services to shield himself from potential liabilities. Both company’s websites advertise technical solutions, SEO, website and application services along with financial services. BT3’s listed services on its LinkedIn profile and their website are all over the place. There are no demonstrations as to what the company has done nor any testimonials on how they have helped customers with SEO, website applications, nor helping with any financial needs. BT3, for a company that helps with SEO and with web presence, have very little web presence and what website they do have is underwhelming to the point that you would think a junior high student put it together as a last-minute homework assignment. Most people only need to see this to notice that this company is not legitimate – but customers desperate enough for anything from IT support to large scale financial support might decide to take a chance on Marcus, Bev-Tech and BT3 – Capital Management Services.

Though Bev Tech, and now, BT3 and Marcus Edwin Beverly have a meager and underwhelming web presence, multiple complaints and lawsuits area easily found. Most of his customers find him through either shady referrals or by looking online for short term cash resources online like www.fastcashnearyou.com, www.solidcashsolutions.com or www.capaydayloans.com. Customers are provided with a number of resources to help with their cash needs and Bev Tech is one of the top resources provided.

When a customer contacts Bev Tech for financing, Marcus will work hard to build rapport and identify what the goal is for the customer. With the customer’s goal in mind, Marcus will sell the customer on a way that he can help the customer accomplish, in most cases, unrealistic financial goals. Marcus or his brothers or son will direct the customer to get a loan that they can provide to him that he can use to help manage their debts. Marcus will claim that he will manage the debt going forward and work with the creditors to bring the balance down. Rather than defraud and steal the money outright from his customers, Marcus will make good for the first several months and pay their debts. This will provide the customers that he plans on defrauding a peace of mind that things are working as normal. After a few months of paying his customer’s creditors – he will stop and pocket the remainder of the loans that his customer provides. Complaints and pending lawsuits allege that Marcus does not fulfill his contractual obligation to manage their debts. Check out some of these heartbreaking stories:

Heartbreaking Stories

1. Marcus Beverly scammed me for 20k in loans and purchases on my credit card. He has a facebook and a linked-in with endorsements and he claims to be going through “company troubles”, but he is a scammer, it’s become clear. I’ve found 4 other reports on him just within the last month…. Long story short- he says he’ll help you repair your credit and will charge you a fee for doing so. The fee was $1700.

He did fix my credit initially, but now it is destroyed. He wanted me to fix my credit so that he could get me to apply for and take out loans and credit cards with high credit limits. He will ask for the money once it gets transferred to your bank and he claims that this money will be for paying off the loans in large amounts to help build up your credit history. He also will do it with credit cards and make large sum purhcases and promise to pay them off fast to improve your score and history.

2. Ripped off By Deceit itself with my eyes wide open. When I look back feeling as if I should have recognized him, Marcus Beverly, for who he was using his company Bev-Tech IT Services as a cover for his corruption. Marcus conned me for thousands of dollars through what looked like a legitimate opportunity to manage and grow my meager retirement funds. My credit score was well over 700 and we were looking to enhance it in ways that he was well versed in, having done this sort of thing for a number of years. To be accomplished through new credit lines, through interim funded loans, commissions paid and repaid monthly; called The Bev-Tech Inc.

Credit Repair and Enhancement Funding Program. included was the disbursement of client discretionary funding throughout the process. With contract in hand and agreement sealed I believed we were on our way to new beginnings. However the new beginnings became short lived when a few months into the process Mr. Beverly began to default on the loans, write checks that were devoid of funds to cover their cashing, set up payment dates for distributing discretionaty funding to client that would come and go unpaid, unending
calls from banks for payment on loans and always another excuse and reason why there is no fullfillment of the contracted agreement.

Marcus’s business is either one of two things – a long con on his customers who truly believe that he is helping to manage their credit accounts or this is a poorly conceived pyramid scheme that relies on Marcus hustling to get more and more customers and when those customers don’t materialize, he relies on the money his customers have entrusted him with for funding not only for his business but for his own material needs. The stories of how he had hurt customers who were desperate for his help are truly heartbreaking. Though he has not yet been brought up on criminal charges, Beverly has been successfully sued multiple times and has several pending lawsuits against him.


Name : Marcus E Beverly
Address : 25343 Silver Aspen Way Apt 937, Valencia, CA 91381

Filing Location : Los Angeles, CA
Court Case Number : PC050876
Total Judgment Amount : $111808.21

Marcus has made this a family business including his brothers and his young son as well. It is unclear as to whether they are in on the con or if they truly believe that this is a legitimate business and service that they provide. Reading the reports of the customers that Marcus has conned it is remarkable how strong they are to persevere and move on despite the damage that Marcus has done to them. Many of these share that the only thing that they want is for justice to be served and that future people looking for financial help do not find themselves in the same position because of Marcus. There are many legitimate and helpful resources to help with debt management and if something sounds too good to be true – it probably is. Stay away from scammers like him.


Debt Consolidation Scammer

Financial scammer Marcus E. Beverly - Bev Tech, and BT3

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